Saturday, October 27, 2007

Its All About Wyatt....

Last Thursday we finally spotted Wyatt's first tooth shining through his slippery gums. Some where along the way in the past week he also managed the gumption in his caboose and is officially crawling about AND officially dangerous. Bath time in the kitchen sink came to an end tonight as well. We were living on borrowed time as he became more active and uncontrollable. He had his first bath tonight in a plastic baby tub in our bath tub...much safer for him, but also much more difficult on our old knees!

We took these photos on Saturday. I realized when I looked at the photos, Wyatt is really starting to look like a little boy. I don't see the little baby we had before. I love the little boy he is turning into...his smile is infectious, and his laughter will make you cry. I am savoring our special weekend time together. I miss him during the week when I only see him in the morning and at night just before his bedtime routine. I am sharing some sweet alone time with him on Saturday and Sunday mornings. (Read: David sleeping in) He wakes up at 6ish, I get up and feed him rice cereal/oatmeal and fruit. I don't get much time to nurse him during the week, so I've been doing that more on the weekend as well. After breakfast, we've been going to the living room for playtime. I spread out a blanket, put down his toys, and turn on a satellite radio station. I want this boy to love music...and I want him to hear it as often as possible. This weekend we listened to the 70's and the 80's stations. Last week he got the 40's and 50's. In the past, I've been laying on the couch catnapping while he plays on his blanket. Now I must nap with one eye open...because the boy can move fast now. He is also pulling himself up into all kinds of trouble. The sweetest part is around 8am, when he starts to get sleepy again. I pull him up on the couch with me, nestle him into the crook of my arm and watch him fall asleep. I stare at him for a while, nap a bit myself, then take him up to his crib for a solid for each of us!

David and Wyatt had a great time playing in his room and in the back yard on Saturday. I'd like to take a moment to thank our dear friends...many of whom have not received proper thank you's for wonderful gifts we are very much enjoying. Kitt and the Big Bad Wolf shirt and Guess jeans...makes him look tough, doesn't it? And those adorable pirate shoes from Tim and Valerie are not only good looking...but I believe they increase his crawling rate exponentially! Grandpa Bob...the cowboy hat...what would he do without that cool hat?? And Becky and Dave...we love the blue mat for laying out on the grass. He seems to like crawling just to the edge of the mat and playing with the grass. Little boy adventure, without the itch!

Huge love to you all for your kindness! Enjoy the pics, and listen might hear his squeal!

1 comment:

Vetmommy said...

He looks so cuddly and delicious! My favorite pictures are the first one, and him and David tummy down on the mat.

I miss those wonderful, soft shoes. Did you know, even though they are all leather you can wash them if you have to? (like a diaper changing accident)